Python addAttrib - vector attrib creation

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Is there any method to create VECTOR attrbiutes with addAttrib function of hou.geometry() class?

according to documentation, the default value of attribute beeing created is determined by the ‘default_value’ parm. It could be an integer, float, strong, integer sequence and float sequence.

All these forms create attrbutes, which ends with digits, like at0, at1, at2 etc.

Of course I can manually create 3 attributes : atx, aty and atz, but then I'm not able to set them to be transformed as normal ….
How can I do it?

addAttrib(self, type, name, default_value, transform_as_normal=False) → hou.Attrib

This parameter is only available when the default value is a sequence of 3 floats. For such attributes, Houdini will not modify the attribute values when it transforms (translates, rotates, etc.) the geometry. If you want to the attribute to be transformed as a vector (such as a normal vector) when Houdini transforms the geometry, set this parameter to True.

Thank you
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The transform_as_normal=True option does that.

geo.addAttrib(hou.attribType.Point, “at”, (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), True)

This gives me a point attribute with name at
Graham Thompson, Technical Artist @ Rockstar Games
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Joined: 7月 2006
hmm this name seems confusing to me….
Anyway thank you very much for making it clear
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