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H20 Tech Art Challenge » Congratulations
- HandcraftedMedia
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H20 Tech Art Challenge » Best Houdini Utility Entries
- HandcraftedMedia
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Hey Everyone!
My submission: An SDF Modeling toolset for Houdini
This toolset allows you to model inside Houdini using the magic of SDFs.
The tools are run on Houdini volumes, have a powerful and flexible workflow, come with fast "math based primitives" but also allow for modeling with polygon or volume inputs.
There are also powerful post processing tools included, focused on hard surface modeling, that allow you to create sharp edges and UV seams.
Watch an intro into the toolset, that explains most of the available nodes and the modeling workflow:
Watch a tutorial on optimizing your mesh after modeling:
You can also download the toolset on github: https://github.com/handcraftedcc/SDFModeler [github.com]
Credit: A good bit of the base code for the SDF operations were taken from https://mercury.sexy/hg_sdf/ [mercury.sexy] .
Thanks to the mercury team for releasing the code under the MIT license!
My submission: An SDF Modeling toolset for Houdini
This toolset allows you to model inside Houdini using the magic of SDFs.
- Unbreakable Booleans
- Powerful Transitions (Bevels, Chamfers and more)
- 100% Non Destructive Modeling
The tools are run on Houdini volumes, have a powerful and flexible workflow, come with fast "math based primitives" but also allow for modeling with polygon or volume inputs.
There are also powerful post processing tools included, focused on hard surface modeling, that allow you to create sharp edges and UV seams.
Watch an intro into the toolset, that explains most of the available nodes and the modeling workflow:
Watch a tutorial on optimizing your mesh after modeling:
You can also download the toolset on github: https://github.com/handcraftedcc/SDFModeler [github.com]
Credit: A good bit of the base code for the SDF operations were taken from https://mercury.sexy/hg_sdf/ [mercury.sexy] .
Thanks to the mercury team for releasing the code under the MIT license!
Edited by HandcraftedMedia - 2024年1月8日 12:26:42
H20 Tech Art Challenge » WIP | PlasticityBridge fo Houdini [Houdini Utility]
- HandcraftedMedia
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Very exciting! Been thinking about tackling this task but the websocket stuff is scary 
Nice work!

Nice work!
Houdini Lounge » Request to have CAD import surface in Houdini
- HandcraftedMedia
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Uploaded the Moi importer to Orbolt for non-indie users:
Houdini Lounge » Request to have CAD import surface in Houdini
- HandcraftedMedia
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It does require you to have a MOI license (comes free with Octane!), but using this HDA you can import step etc files directly from within Houdini using MOI meshing (which is amazing) under the hood. This also opens the door for batch processing of step files using PDG etc.
(Does currently only work for Windows, but should be fairly easy to adapt for apple)
Uploaded it to Orbolt for non-indie users: https://orbolt.com/asset/dom::Moi3DCADImporter::1.5
(Does currently only work for Windows, but should be fairly easy to adapt for apple)
Uploaded it to Orbolt for non-indie users: https://orbolt.com/asset/dom::Moi3DCADImporter::1.5
Edited by HandcraftedMedia - 2023年9月20日 11:52:29
Technical Discussion » Vellum string constrain thick problem
- HandcraftedMedia
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After contacting support they got back with me about how you can have a string that is thicker than it's segment length, by telling it to ignore neighboring points.
Now this won't help with points of neighboring curves that are too close at the beginning of the simulation but it will help with the situation when you want a thick string that's high resolution.
Attaching an example file here!
You can use the collisionignore and collisiongroup attributes to disable collisions with the next and previous points. You can do this fairly simply in a single AttribWrangle before the Vellum Solver.
s@collisiongroup = "pt" + itoa(@ptnum);
s@collisionignore = "pt" + itoa(@ptnum-1) + " pt" + itoa(@ptnum+1);
Now this won't help with points of neighboring curves that are too close at the beginning of the simulation but it will help with the situation when you want a thick string that's high resolution.
Attaching an example file here!
Mardini 2023 » Day 9 | Nature | River | Animation
- HandcraftedMedia
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Mardini 2023 | Day 09 | Nature - River
Edited by HandcraftedMedia - 2023年3月11日 14:53:28
Mardini 2023 » Day 8 | Nature | Sand | Animation
- HandcraftedMedia
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Mardini 2023 » Day 7 | Nature | Mud | Animation
- HandcraftedMedia
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Mardini 2023 » Day 6 | Nature | Rock | Animation
- HandcraftedMedia
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Mardini 2023 » Day 5 | Shape | Smooth | Animation
- HandcraftedMedia
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Mardini 2023 | Day 05 | Shape - Smooth
Edited by HandcraftedMedia - 2023年3月5日 23:33:27
Mardini 2023 » Day 4 | Shape | Rough | Animation
- HandcraftedMedia
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Mardini 2023 » Day 3 | Shape | Obtuse | Animation
- HandcraftedMedia
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Mardini 2023 » Welcome and Rules
- HandcraftedMedia
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Greetings! I have a question for those of us working in the ACEScg colorspace.
If we use ACES, do we need to apply the ACEScg->sRGB transform to our rendered images in Houdini(via COPs or MPlay) in order to export an sRGB JPG? That is, would applying the ACEScg->sRGB transform to a rendered image outside of Houdini (either via Houdini's own hoiiotool.exe or a compositing package) violate the "COPs only" rule?
I successfully used the "sRGB for ACEScg Houdini.lut" to export an sRGB JPG out of MPlay on Day 1, but I got artifacts using the same approach on Day 2. I did not want to violate Mardini rules, so I used MPlay's "convert to image format's colorspace," which made the final JPG brighter than what I had in the Karma viewport.
I ran into the same issue. Cops does not seem to be quite ready for the ACES workflow. There is an OCIO node in vops, but I could not get that to work correctly.
For future competitions I think it would be nice to not have the cops compositing limitation. While I hope that some day (h20 or h21?) cops will become as powerful as it could be at the moment it feels rather slow and clunky and is missing some basic functionality like being able to use normal luts (.cube that is, not talking about houdini's .lut file format). I know a lot of people have made amazing stuff with cops but for me it feels very limiting and has resulted in me basically just avoiding any compositing.
Mardini 2023 » Day 2 | Shape | Linear | Animation
- HandcraftedMedia
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Mardini 2023 | Day 02 | Shape - Linear
Finished it last night, but didn't get around to process the render into a video and upload until this morning.
Also I did run the render through Neat Video, because low samples
No other compositing done to it outside of octane post processing.
Finished it last night, but didn't get around to process the render into a video and upload until this morning.
Also I did run the render through Neat Video, because low samples

Mardini 2023 » Day 1 | Shape | Round | Animation
- HandcraftedMedia
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Mardini 2023 | Day 01 | Shape - Round
Full disclosure, I did the compositing in cops but had to combine the final .exr files into a video using 3rd party software because of OCIO issues.
Full disclosure, I did the compositing in cops but had to combine the final .exr files into a video using 3rd party software because of OCIO issues.
Edited by HandcraftedMedia - 2023年3月1日 20:46:45
Mardini 2023 » Welcome and Rules
- HandcraftedMedia
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With external textures and models being allowed, are you allowed to texture an asset in substance as part of the process?
SideFX Labs Tech Art Challenge 2022 » Best Houdini Utility Entries
- HandcraftedMedia
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My submission: Loop Utility
A UI tool to make parameter variations inside loops fast, easy to use and free of the need for writing code.
This includes random variation, iteration based variations, custom lists, and attribute based variation.
To learn how it works here an in depth tutorial:
Here a quick demo of how I like to use the Loop Utility to create fast asset variations:
Or check out the attached example file.
One note:
This should not be seen as a replacement for TOPs. TOPs is way more powerful and versatile in a lot of applications. That being said there are times where you don't want the extra steps of caching out geometry, you're not doing complex steps like simulations, you want instant feedback and an easy setup, or you are using your loop as part of an animation where tops doesn't cut it - that's where the loop utility shines!
A UI tool to make parameter variations inside loops fast, easy to use and free of the need for writing code.
This includes random variation, iteration based variations, custom lists, and attribute based variation.
To learn how it works here an in depth tutorial:
Here a quick demo of how I like to use the Loop Utility to create fast asset variations:
Or check out the attached example file.
One note:
This should not be seen as a replacement for TOPs. TOPs is way more powerful and versatile in a lot of applications. That being said there are times where you don't want the extra steps of caching out geometry, you're not doing complex steps like simulations, you want instant feedback and an easy setup, or you are using your loop as part of an animation where tops doesn't cut it - that's where the loop utility shines!
Edited by HandcraftedMedia - 2022年12月1日 13:11:03
Technical Discussion » 3D Mouse and camera/view pivot
- HandcraftedMedia
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Submitted an RFE on this too. The more people that submit one the higher the priority gets and the more likely they will work on it!
3rd Party » Bezier curve editor
- HandcraftedMedia
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This tool is amazing! Thanks so much, elovikov for putting this together!
I have however encountered a bug that's a bit annoying.
When having a point set to untied but then moving the bezier handle with the translate handle, it will treat it as a smooth point once again! The same thing happens if you manipulate the values in the parameter editor.
Here a video showing the issue: https://drive.google.com/file/d/147P4R3MZh60iWBWx3-SMoki8UHa1YMHU/view?usp=sharing [drive.google.com]
Otherwise, this is perfect!
I have however encountered a bug that's a bit annoying.
When having a point set to untied but then moving the bezier handle with the translate handle, it will treat it as a smooth point once again! The same thing happens if you manipulate the values in the parameter editor.
Here a video showing the issue: https://drive.google.com/file/d/147P4R3MZh60iWBWx3-SMoki8UHa1YMHU/view?usp=sharing [drive.google.com]
Otherwise, this is perfect!
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