render failure: error (Command exit code: -1073741819)

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I´m an starving artist edition user

I´m trying to render some sprites on a scene I just set up and get frequent crashes. It´s not every time, which is why I know it´s not something wrong in the scene, but as it happens about half of the times I render, it makes virtually impossible to render a sequence.

The error reads: Command exit code: -1073741819.

I´m using build 9.0.794
Javier Meroño
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I forgot saying I´m using Win 32 version.

Even if I don´t expect my problem to be solved at once I would like to know at least if it´s some known bug that has been fixed in a later build or something…
Javier Meroño
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How many cores are you using?
I have a quad core machine and have to turn off “use all available processors” and then change the mantra render command to “mantra -n 3” or “mantra -n 4” if I am not doing anything else at the same time.

This will spawn 4 seperate processes rather then using different threads. This will use more memory, but can overcome errors sometimes.

Also if you have any firwalls or virusprotection running you have to make sure it gives mantra full rights. (Just as a test, disconnect your internet and turn off your protection to see if it renders).
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Just one core, so either it´s the antivirus or I should be trying another build :?
Javier Meroño
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sorry to extract this thread but I have the same exit code and I don't know what to do.

This happaned suddenly : the scene rendered fine, I tweaked a shader ( a little ), the render crash to the frame 18-19. I means the frame 18 seems to be calculated but not written properly. Mantra crash during the write of the image( Houdini was cooking the next frame I think).
I turn off my internet connection and firewall and check my license. Everything seems ok.
I run on 11.658 for now but I had the same kind of error with the 11.733.
Houdini Apprentice

so what the exit code -1073741819 ?

Thanks for your help

I tried to render the frame 18 via “ip” but mantra crash.
Here is the message from the console :

UT_NetPacket::write: No such file or directory
mantra: Network Error Unable to write data
UT_NetPacket::write: No such file or directory
UT_NetPacket::write: No such file or directory
UT_NetPacket::write: No such file or directory
UT_NetPacket::write: No such file or directory
UT_NetPacket::write: No such file or directory
UT_NetPacket::read: No such file or directory []
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