Rest position with fur?

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I'm having a ton of trouble with rest position for fur on deforming geometry.
Restsetup.jpg shows the current setup… the first timeblend freezes the geometry at frame1, and then the second timeblend holds that frame out till rfend. I thought that would work, but when i view/render with fur, everything stretches out.

You can see it in the hands and feet in
The guides are not stretching, and it only happens when the rest position is enabled. Am I missing something with my rest setup?

If i disable it, there's no stretching, but tons of flickering (of course)

Attachments: (2.8 MB)
restsetup.jpg (39.9 KB)

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Joined: 7月 2007
hi, can you share the file or recreate the problem on a simplified version?
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Joined: 5月 2008
Well i think i fixed it…

(clumporigin was based on tx ty tz instead of restx resty restz)
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