Problem puzzled me for some days.

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the second image below is reference photo,

I have been buzzled by this problem recent days.

this is my own one exercise,i model a pair of lemons ,and write and wire shaders.
then render them in mantra.
try and try .but the result is still not good .

i can't get the succulent feel and apperance. now i have no any ideas .

waiting for your help
thank u!
Edited by - 2009年8月31日 04:15:35

post.rar (646.5 KB)
nm3.jpg (103.5 KB)
NM5.jpg (28.8 KB)

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jelly appearance .

whatever changes. they don't look as lemons.

nm4.jpg (111.4 KB)

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Making an appealing image of food - be it photo or rendered - is inherently hard.

In fact, I think you already have much of the technical 3d stuff down, the geometry and displacement look good, and I guess the shader isn't that far off actually. What you need to focus on is lighting, environment to be reflected, background, camera/composition - and postprocessing. Do not expect straight renders to look perfect.

I took the liberty of doing a little basic postprocessing on your image in photoshop, mainly just curves/colorcorrect.


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lemon.jpg (74.2 KB)

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Hey I like your lemons. Nuts and melons are next, right?

You could add drops and play a bit with the composition. I think technically you've done well, the rest is design now.
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thank you two.
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I took a look at the file.. well I think for one your light is way too bright so thats part of the problem.. if you did this in real life it would look kinda weird too (shone a really bright light on a lemon up close).. also try increasing your shader quality, maybe ray trace quality too… in the main object SOP area click on lemon object < render < dicing then you can do this as I think thats part of the problem too.

For this kind of thing you usually want to use a room around the object since the way it is know its basically like you have a bright light in a vacumm (like outer space) whereas within a room you can dim the light and move it further away… if you want to get a shot of the lemon with no background just leave one end of the room open and shoot it there against the nothingness

edit: the lights not necessarily too bright.. just too close to the lemon
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Maybe try adding some depth of field blur too. And have you used any subsurface scattering in your shader?
Then maybe try comping your 2 shaders together the waxy one and the diffuse one, maybe a subtle mix of the 2 will hit the spot.
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