Manipulating channels in CHOP

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CHOP's editor very basic question

now really get into CHOP
That ‘s the issue
I want to have one floatong pane channels editor for translation channels and another for rotation channels
I tried but I get in bought CHOP’s editor either one or another
I have my translations channels x,y and z
and I see them all in CHOP editor because there isn't a big differences in theirs values
and I have rotation channels where is a big rotations values
when I scope/home all of them, graph adopts itself to biggest
channels value and that is for example rx rotation
and now I can't see tha value/key frames of tx,tz…
it's just very small in graph
and if zooming in tx,ty then I lose rx,it is just to big
So I need 2 separate CHOP editor
The reason is I must see rx channels/key frames to time my tx channel/key frames accordingly
Does it make sense to you?
So,I ‘m not dump


I want to tempate multiple channels,i.e. tx,ry,sz
and one way is to type manualy in template field in graph’s template field,but I guess there should be another way, for example to select multiple channels,and click…and viola, template them,or list of templated channels or option as in dopsheet with enable/disable channels( like it,it helps me a lot to ckeck/test what should/could look like with/without some channels)

And last not directly related to channels…
I start some animations with CHOP(Box moving
on the grid)
and want to have object's local xyz handles so to be able to restrict/freeze some channel in graph
Like,let say I have roling and jamping ball,
all 3 translations, in x,y,z and want to know merely looking at object which channel I have to suspend to make test,
i.e. moving only left right( x and z) and freeze ball's high, y axes
So I look in dopesheet and immidiately disable ty
I know it's trivial but know it's for me importamt to exercise CHOP
I could do it by trial &error,just freezing one by one to get channel I want to freeze, or by reading values …but when doing character… it's bad habit

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Hey Ben,
Ben Lumumba
now really get into CHOP
That ‘s the issue
I want to have one floatong pane channels editor for translation channels and another for rotation channels
I tried but I get in bought CHOP’s editor either one or another
I have my translations channels x,y and z
and I see them all in CHOP editor because there isn't a big differences in theirs values
and I have rotation channels where is a big rotations values
when I scope/home all of them, graph adopts itself to biggest
channels value and that is for example rx rotation
and now I can't see tha value/key frames of tx,tz…
it's just very small in graph
and if zooming in tx,ty then I lose rx,it is just to big
So I need 2 separate CHOP editor
The reason is I must see rx channels/key frames to time my tx channel/key frames accordingly
Does it make sense to you?
So,I 'm not dump
At the top of the CHOP Viewer, there is a “Graphs” drop down menu which offers different display options.

However, I believe you're talking about the Channel Editor instead of CHOP. If this is so, you can type ‘m’ in the Channel Editor which will have a graph for each channel. The button (“Graph Settings…”) that performs the option is the third button from the bottom on the left hand side of the graph.

Please do not confuse the Channel Editor with the CHOP Viewer. Both display channels, or channel data in the case of the CHOP Viewer, but the similarity ends there.


I want to tempate multiple channels,i.e. tx,ry,sz
and one way is to type manualy in template field in graph's template field,but I guess there should be another way, for example to select multiple channels,and click…and viola, template them,or list of templated channels or option as in dopsheet with enable/disable channels( like it,it helps me a lot to ckeck/test what should/could look like with/without some channels)
Currently, there isn't a button or option that will template multiple channels. Perhaps, the ability to display multiple channels individually will help you or at least, offer you an alternative. However, this is an excellent RFE.

And last not directly related to channels…
I start some animations with CHOP(Box moving
on the grid)
and want to have object's local xyz handles so to be able to restrict/freeze some channel in graph
Like,let say I have roling and jamping ball,
all 3 translations, in x,y,z and want to know merely looking at object which channel I have to suspend to make test,
i.e. moving only left right( x and z) and freeze ball's high, y axes
So I look in dopesheet and immidiately disable ty
I know it's trivial but know it's for me importamt to exercise CHOP
I could do it by trial &error,just freezing one by one to get channel I want to freeze, or by reading values …but when doing character… it's bad habit
If you're using Houdini 6.0 & above, there is an option to colour the handles (R=x, G=y, B=z). I'm guessing this is what you're looking for. Please correct me if I'm wrong.

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I think Ben is referring to being able to see individual object origin (tripods) in the viewport that update with transformations, so one can know just by looking at the object, which channel needs to be manipulated

Also the ability to translate in a specific plane as opposed to just axes, for example in Maya if you Ctrl click the y axis handle you can move an object in the x-z plane, would be nice to have this ability in houdini
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Hi Stevenong

You are right,I shouldn't confuse CHOP and channel editor.
What I simple want to get looks like this:
tx,tz,ty are displayed in one channel editor
and rx,ry,rz are displayed in another
so I have 2 channel editor side by side,you know big values discrepancy
and for that “m”-Graph per single channel,it only scopes 3 channel and that as they are presented in channel chooser list,i.e. first rotation and then scale and then translate
So if I have 2channels from rotate,2 from scale and 2 from translate
I get only 2 from rotate and one,first one from scale,that is it
second from scale and last 2 from translate don't show
I can't get more then 3 anyway
And that's for me big issue when comparing two channels and they differ in their valus a lot

2)As for template I can live with templating multiple channels manualy
It's okay

see you again
3D Buzz's Houdini virtual classroom or here
and yes you are right I want to see object's individual tripod,x,y,z
so when rotating/moving I can know just by looking at the object tripod , which channel needs to be manipulated
See you tomorrow at [] ,3d Buzz radio show

NOW I ‘m really dump but really CHOP and channel editor with viewer
I’m real confusioned

Best regards,
Best regards,
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Hey tallkien,
Also the ability to translate in a specific plane as opposed to just axes, for example in Maya if you Ctrl click the y axis handle you can move an object in the x-z plane, would be nice to have this ability in houdini
Yes, this would be nice to have. I'll submit an RFE to SESI.

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Hey Ben,
Ben Lumumba
Hi Stevenong

You are right,I shouldn't confuse CHOP and channel editor.
What I simple want to get looks like this:
tx,tz,ty are displayed in one channel editor
and rx,ry,rz are displayed in another
so I have 2 channel editor side by side,you know big values discrepancy
and for that “m”-Graph per single channel,it only scopes 3 channel and that as they are presented in channel chooser list,i.e. first rotation and then scale and then translate
So if I have 2channels from rotate,2 from scale and 2 from translate
I get only 2 from rotate and one,first one from scale,that is it
second from scale and last 2 from translate don't show
I can't get more then 3 anyway
And that's for me big issue when comparing two channels and they differ in their valus a lot
If you click on the “Graph Settings…” button, you'll be able to display up to 6 channels so I hope that helps.

2)As for template I can live with templating multiple channels manualy
It's okay
That's good to hear.

see you again
3D Buzz's Houdini virtual classroom or here
and yes you are right I want to see object's individual tripod,x,y,z
so when rotating/moving I can know just by looking at the object tripod , which channel needs to be manipulated
See you tomorrow at [] ,3d Buzz radio show
If you would like to have a handle for each object, you can type ‘s’ or Tab -> Transform in the viewport, type ‘a’ to select all objects or those you want then RMB. Next, change the “Handle” option above the viewport to “One for each selected object”. Is this what you're looking for?

NOW I ‘m really dump but really CHOP and channel editor with viewer
I’m real confusioned
Like you said, you're just confused, not dumb. When you start to learn CHOPs, you'll understand better the difference.

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and thank you Stevenong
I got those colored object's x,y,z handles
it is in Settings/Main Preferences/Handles/Color transform handles per axes
But for “… you can type ‘s’ or Tab -> Transform in the viewport, type ‘a’ to select
all objects or those you want then RMB. Next, change the ”Handle“
option above the viewport to ”One for each selected object"….still I have to check
I go to Tab-transform-objects and then every selected (with Shift-LMB) object
has its own colored handles and can be individualy manipulated
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Hey Ben, I just found this out by accident, You can right click an object in the viewport and display origin. (not visible in shaded mode though)

and thanks Steven
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Hey Ben, I just found this out by accident, You can right click an object in the viewport and display origin. (not visible in shaded mode though)

and thanks Steven

Amen,tallkien I got it, that 's what I was lookung for
I am now on 3d Byzz radio
Happy hearing
BTW How about irc
Best regards,
Best regards,
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