Depth Map 2 Nuke

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how i can export depth map from houdini to nuke ?
i want to render its channels (Colour & PZ) in separate file and use them in nuke for DOF !

but i can,t open PZ in nuke correctly ! []
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If you've rendered you're depth and beauty passes as a single image file then you will probably need to put a shuffle node in nuke after your read node, and change “in 1 rgba” to "in 1 “ on the shuffle node's parameters, to access you're depth pass.

If you want the two passes as separate files then just under the ”VEX Variable“ attribute of you're image plane (on you're mantra node), there is an attribute labelled ”Different File“. You can use this to specify where you want that image plane to be saved to. So under you're depth pass image plane, just set the ”different file“ attribute to be different from the main ”output picture“ attribute and you'll get two separate files. (Note that if you are doing interactive rendering then the ”Different File" option will be greyed out)
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realy tnx for your attention!

yeah i can render my z depth file in houdini .
but i have another problem !

my pz in houdini,s mplay showes correctly (gray scale color and from dark to light which related to distance)
but when i save my file in specific file and then i open it in nuke i have simple file only with red channel and it dosent have zdepth file(gray scale color and from dark to light which related to distance)

in maya i can render camera depth and use it to nuke simply.

why does mplay show my pz channel in gray scale mode but nuke show it only with red color ? []
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Which file type are you using to save the zdepth? Is there any chance you could post a frame of you're zdepth up here? A hip file to go with it would be useful as well if possible?
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