SESI video tutorials feedback

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2 months ago I watched the Houdini intro video tutorial where Robert (I think) shows L-System objects scattered, and then the Roman column smashing, then the brickifying a teapot. Now after seeing a few videos from pretty much all Houdini training material producers (except some individual ones like Peter Quint, etc) I must say SESI's are right at the very top. They are very well done, very cool, not sleep inducing nor has any useless bits that take half of the vid, very fun and informative, where every minute is packed with so much info. It's not like ones where it explains to you which ui color to use in Houdini for 20 mins :roll:

Anyway I just wanted to let SESI guys know because I thought it's good to hear positive feedback as well as negative if constructive.

Please keep making more of these, they are very valuable and would even pay to watch personally.
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Anyway I just wanted to let SESI guys know because I thought it's good to hear positive feedback as well as negative if constructive.

Please keep making more of these, they are very valuable and would even pay to watch personally.

Good intention ! It's true that those tutorials are vey well done and very informative . It helps me a lot making the switch from maya .

i agree : “Keep making more of these!”

Happy new years.

Sylvain. []
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Yes I really liked them so much. Hard to see these kinds of videos from 3d software companies as they generally rely on 3rd party training.

Also I believe most developers at SESI are quite skilled in Houdini. Can't say the same for other 3d software companies.

I wonder how long it takes them to do it, as they seem pretty planned. I could hear the sound of pages from the video, so they seem to be following a detailed plan through the video which is very cool.
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Thanks for the positive feedback. It is my intention to do more lessons this year.

I wonder how long it takes them to do it, as they seem pretty planned. I could hear the sound of pages from the video, so they seem to be following a detailed plan through the video which is very cool.

I generally create the text-based PDF versions first then use these to record the videos. At the top of each tutorial is a “Download Chapter” link to get the PDF file. The idea was to have a PDF for people who like to read and check off steps as they do them and videos for people who have to see the steps in action.

Is everyone finding the PDF versions? I have had hints in the past that people are jumping to the videos and not using them in tandem with the text-based chapters?

Robert Magee
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Awesome Robert, seriously can't wait to see more vids

As for the PDFs, I got them at the same time I downloaded the vids. So no problems finding them at all. I didn't even have to look for them.

I actually really love the videos over PDFs because then I can sit back and try to understand the actions and record them in my mind, stop the vid and do it on my own, and then repeat till end.

But I used the PDFs, the second time I wanted to replicate it, and I didn't want any tips, other than what values to use, etc, like for the extrusions in the column smashing tutorial. So having concise PDFs as well is huge IMO. Otherwise I would have to fast forward the vid to find the sections where you put in the values.

Thanks again Robert 8)
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I can easily agree with magneto, your recordings Robert were always my favorite (along with Jeff's videos), exactly for a reasons mentioned previously. Clear and essential. First class materials!
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