Vex compile errors on H12.5

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I am getting some VEX errors on shaders when I open files from Houdini 12.1

op:/obj/floor/shopnet1/floor:4340:33-46: Error 1066: Call to undefined function vector vop_sss_single(vector; vector; vector; vector; vector; float; float; int; int).
op:/obj/floor/shopnet1/floor:4347:32-44: Error 1066: Call to undefined function vector vop_sss_multi(vector; vector; vector; vector; float; float; int; int; float; int; int; int; string; int; int; int; float; int; float; int; int; vector; vector).

ray_startshader couldn't compile op:/obj/diamond/shopnet1/glass_new
op:/obj/diamond/shopnet1/glass_new:3075:33-46: Error 1066: Call to undefined function vector vop_sss_single(vector; vector; vector; vector; vector; float; float; int; int).
op:/obj/diamond/shopnet1/glass_new:3082:32-44: Error 1066: Call to undefined function vector vop_sss_multi(vector; vector; vector; vector; float; float; int; int; float; int; int; int; string; int; int; int; float; int; float; int; int; vector; vector).

ray_startshader couldn't compile op:/obj/diamond/shopnet1/glass
op:/obj/diamond/shopnet1/glass:3075:33-46: Error 1066: Call to undefined function vector vop_sss_single(vector; vector; vector; vector; vector; float; float; int; int).
op:/obj/diamond/shopnet1/glass:3082:32-44: Error 1066: Call to undefined function vector vop_sss_multi(vector; vector; vector; vector; float; float; int; int; float; int; int; int; string; int; int; int; float; int; float; int; int; vector; vector).

mantra: VEX error: Errors loading vex code from op:/obj/floor/shopnet1/floor
Unable to load file op:/obj/floor/shopnet1/floor.vex
mantra: VEX error: Errors loading vex code from op:/obj/diamond/shopnet1/glass_new
Unable to load file op:/obj/diamond/shopnet1/glass_new.vex
mantra: VEX error: Errors loading vex code from op:/obj/diamond/shopnet1/glass
Unable to load file op:/obj/diamond/shopnet1/glass.vex
ray_startshader couldn't compile op:/obj/floor/shopnet1/floor
op:/obj/floor/shopnet1/floor:4340:33-46: Error 1066: Call to undefined function vector vop_sss_single(vector; vector; vector; vector; vector; float; float; int; int).
op:/obj/floor/shopnet1/floor:4347:32-44: Error 1066: Call to undefined function vector vop_sss_multi(vector; vector; vector; vector; float; float; int; int; float; int; int; int; string; int; int; int; float; int; float; int; int; vector; vector).

ray_startshader couldn't compile op:/obj/diamond/shopnet1/glass_new
op:/obj/diamond/shopnet1/glass_new:3075:33-46: Error 1066: Call to undefined function vector vop_sss_single(vector; vector; vector; vector; vector; float; float; int; int).
op:/obj/diamond/shopnet1/glass_new:3082:32-44: Error 1066: Call to undefined function vector vop_sss_multi(vector; vector; vector; vector; float; float; int; int; float; int; int; int; string; int; int; int; float; int; float; int; int; vector; vector).

ray_startshader couldn't compile op:/obj/diamond/shopnet1/glass
op:/obj/diamond/shopnet1/glass:3075:33-46: Error 1066: Call to undefined function vector vop_sss_single(vector; vector; vector; vector; vector; float; float; int; int).
op:/obj/diamond/shopnet1/glass:3082:32-44: Error 1066: Call to undefined function vector vop_sss_multi(vector; vector; vector; vector; float; float; int; int; float; int; int; int; string; int; int; int; float; int; float; int; int; vector; vector).

mantra: VEX error: Errors loading vex code from op:/obj/floor/shopnet1/floor
Unable to load file op:/obj/floor/shopnet1/floor.vex
mantra: VEX error: Errors loading vex code from op:/obj/diamond/shopnet1/glass_new
Unable to load file op:/obj/diamond/shopnet1/glass_new.vex
mantra: VEX error: Errors loading vex code from op:/obj/diamond/shopnet1/glass
Unable to load file op:/obj/diamond/shopnet1/glass.vex

Any ideas?

Thanks. []
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Joined: 4月 2008
I forgot to mention that I get those errors when I render the file, did anyone else had this kind of problem? []
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Joined: 7月 2005
You probably have old VOPs embedded in the .hip files that are overriding the ones used by H12.5. Look in the operator type manager under Embedded and see if you have a “Surface Model” or “Physical SSS” and other related shading VOPs and remove them, then try rendering again.

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953 posts
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That's it!

Thanks! []
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Joined: 4月 2008
Is there a way to delete or remove all embed otls at once?

I figured it out, there's an option to uninstall all of them

Cheers! []
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618 posts
Joined: 8月 2008
what if I get that error after getting a new build version. and I don't have any embedded otls in the hip file?
I am reading my otl from my scanned paths

i also started a new scene, and drop my otl and got the error .

vexError.png (19.0 KB)

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