"Save Geometry..." ignores Pre-transform?

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Hi all, first post- Please be kind.

I brought an .obj in from Sculptris, cleaned up some garbage and repositioned it. I reset the transforms in Pre-Transform so everything was at 0,0,0 and then saved it as a .bgeo via right-click “Save Geometry…”

All fine and dandy, except when I import the bgeo file, it's in exactly the same place as it was before repositioning.

Is there a way to truly delete the initial transform values?
If not, can I force it to save using current transforms?
Or did I just miss a step somewhere?


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Within the geo container place a transform SOP and put $CEX, $CEY and $CEZ in the pivot channels and -$CEX, -$CEY and -$CEZ in the transform channels. That would bring your geo to the origin based on it's centroid. Then you try the right-click/save as.

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Ahh, perfect. I needed it in a specific place (I realized it was wrong after I'd rigged a model), so I skipped the centroid placement step and used the values from extract pre-translate to place it.

Thanks! Most appreciated.

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