faster gui navigation with Python

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Hi !

In Houdini, one often dives in an out of the same nodes, so I wanted to know if this could be streamlined with a little floating python gui, where one defines the ‘context locations’ (or in any node, subnet, ..), which then are represented as a button. Pressing the button would direct to this location.
This could also be done by defining some nodes as ‘targets’, that one wants to look at when pressing the button.

That would save tons of time navigating around ..

So first question .. Is there a python way to ‘set’ the current context/view ?

Any input welcome .. scripts too .. :wink:
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Joined: 7月 2005
You can save an op location as a Bookmark. In the OP path gadget, click the right pulldown, then select Bookmarks > Add to Bookmarks. To navigate back, go to the Bookmark submenu and select the location.

This used to be an icon beside the back & forward buttons, but it was relegated to the path gadget menu in H9.
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Bookmarks are cool but my honest opinion:

I never used bookmarks much, only found out about it while accidentally pressing ALT + B in the the network context.

It would be cool if this little “edit bookmark” window would not only be for deleting bookmarks but also to navigate between them. It would just be quicker instead of clicking a small icon and browse a pulldown menu.
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cool, an other person from Switzerland !
hi from Zurich !
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cool, an other person from Switzerland !
hi from Zurich !

me too ;-)
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Joined: 9月 2018
Did anyone figured this out? I'm trying to set up a Radial Menu with options to navigate to the different contexts but so far I can't seem to find what command to use in the documentation.
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