houdini cloud renders fail with mantra surface

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Joined: 8月 2012
It seems the EC2 cloud version is running 13.0.376 and I'm running 13.0.447 and between those two versions, the pbrlighting node and texture nodes were updated with functions that the cloud machines can't understand:

Failed: The attempted operation failed.
Error: /shop/vopmaterial1/bumpColor/texture1: Call to undefined function ‘getptextureid’. (5,33:45)
/shop/vopmaterial1/normalColor/texture1: Call to undefined function ‘getptextureid’. (5,34:46)
/shop/vopmaterial1/diffuseColor/texture1: Call to undefined function ‘getptextureid’. (5,34:46)
/shop/vopmaterial1/sssColor/texture1: Call to undefined function ‘getptextureid’. (5,34:46)
/shop/vopmaterial1/sssAttenColor/texture1: Call to undefined function ‘getptextureid’. (5,34:46)
/shop/vopmaterial1/reflectColor/texture1: Call to undefined function ‘getptextureid’. (5,34:46)
/shop/vopmaterial1/reflMaskColor1/texture1: Call to undefined function ‘getptextureid’. (5,34:46)
/shop/vopmaterial1/reflectColor2/texture1: Call to undefined function ‘getptextureid’. (5,34:46)
/shop/vopmaterial1/reflMaskColor2/texture1: Call to undefined function ‘getptextureid’. (5,34:46)
/shop/vopmaterial1/emissioncolor1/texture1: Call to undefined function ‘getptextureid’. (5,34:46)
/shop/vopmaterial1/opacityColor/texture1: Call to undefined function ‘getptextureid’. (5,35:47)
/shop/vopmaterial1/surfaceModel/computelighting1/pbrlighting1: Unrecognized variadic keyword ‘colorlimitdecay’ (27,32)
/shop/vopmaterial1/textureDisp: Call to undefined function ‘getptextureid’. (5,31:43)

Worse, the cloud version 13.0.376 isn't available anywhere. Anyone have a fix? Thoughts? Thanks,
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Joined: 11月 2010
Having the same problem I think. My Hqueue jobs are failing. HQ is initializing .376 and I'm running .509 on Indie.

Just now received a dialogue from HQ (on the AWS HQ browser page) saying it couldn't reach the HQ server?

Anyone able to sort this out?

Thanks, Kevin
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