flip simulation problem

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I am simulating with FLip tank OP , and i cache the main sim exporting it to .bgeo sequeece, frame range from 1 to 240, but it was interrupted in the frame 170, so can i go on simulating starting from frame 170, is any problem?
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You can only continue your simulation if you used Explicit Cache , Not saving simulation in bgeo files via Rop Output Driver node in Geometry Network.

Just turn on Explicit Cache , If your simulation will stop after certain frame , Use last frame of explicit cache for Initial State in the AutoDopNetwork node.
https://www.youtube.com/c/sadjadrabiee [www.youtube.com]
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Joined: 10月 2021
Hello. My problem is exactly the same but after almost 7 years. And I am just jumping to Houdini.
Couldn't find about appending to cache, or anything that could help my issue.
I was simulating whitewater and saving from the dop internal output node (save to disk) from frames 1 to 300.
My simulation stopped in the middle, and there is nothing I could do so far to continue from where I was left.
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