ugly wetmap - interpolate integer frames for volumes/voxels

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Hello friends

My Problem: I wrote out a flip simulation including the surface field. No I try to generate a nice wetmap with pointcloud approach inside vopsop inside a sop solver. Now I getting this ugly steps on fast moving splashes

Is there an easy way (and fast because its a highres sim) interpolate information inbetween the frames (for volumes!) ??

thanks in advance.

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Did you sim with any sub steps applied to the DOP node ? if not your going to be missing that inter frame data.

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No global substebs on dop-node. I guess you are right that I'm missing my inter frame data. So I have to “fake”/interpolate it. I only want to fill the gaps on my wetmaps, a kind of famous ugly trailing effects.

Maybe I could use my flipsim points. Interpolate it inside a vopsop? and convert it back to vdb volume. But I had no luck until now.

Any idea/approach would be great!!
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Off the top of my head maybe you could use a VOP SOP and via a couple of time blend SOPs read in P . Read the previous frame point P , the current and next frame. Then maybe do some sort of point P blend in the vop SOP. This is just a wild idea and don't know if it would work.

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hey, thats exactly what I trying right now …but instead using a linear interpolate; i tried to using a hermite interpolation. for the tangents I'm using one more frame before and after my two points of interest. at the moment it doesnt work
but as always…hipfiles says more then thousand words. give me 20 minutes and i will attach a hipfile ..ahh…and thanks for your fast help!
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here is my funky hipfile……it doesnt't work. So I guess I am a newbie and its too simple for this problem

interpolateFrames.rar (57.9 KB)

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Re sim ………..

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resim :shock: ….thats what i want to avoid! because then I have to write out and rerender all other steps…like meshing, foam, wetmap etc. would be very annyoing

i am curious what i did wrong with my surface field, when writing out my sim frame-by-frame as an bgeo(containing only integer frame information?). i did nothing special: with dopimportfield i wrote out everything as an bgeo (flipsimpoints, velfield, surface field) then i took my surface field inside vopsop with an volumesample and transfer the information on my terrain
then i get the big trailing gaps on fast moving splashes
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Tom Freitag
No global substebs on dop-node. I guess you are right that I'm missing my inter frame data. So I have to “fake”/interpolate it. I only want to fill the gaps on my wetmaps, a kind of famous ugly trailing effects.

Maybe I could use my flipsim points. Interpolate it inside a vopsop? and convert it back to vdb volume. But I had no luck until now.

Any idea/approach would be great!!

Why is it not working? Sounds like a good solution for your problem.
As long as the fluid is not changing direction to drastically between frames it should work.

But use linear interpolation (mix vop). Hermite does not make that much sense too me right now ;p []
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well,assuming you have an ID attribute! []
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…yes i forgot to check “add id attribute” ops: …so I advecting some points with vdb-advect( vel-field) to get constant point number…
and the interpolation works now…i 'm using the hermite to get more round and organic look for my inbetweens, because the distance are great.
…but anyway is there an easy way to get surface field working with interframes, without increasing the global substebs (dop-node)? …because this workaround is annyoing.
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Did you have reseeding on ? . I am getting a bad shimmer on my flip render.
Check out my movie [] .

re seeding is on so no blend P for me ! . I take it you got something working ?

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yes, I also have reseeding on. To solve this problem I scatter a constant pointnumber in the surface field and drive it with the velocity field. At the end I got it to work with pointreplicate approach. I don't thing it helping you with your chocolate sim. And I guess in some case (like yours) reseeding brings more problems..
But I am really new to DOPS and flipsim. Probably some experts around here could give you better answer

because my hipfile is really big, messy and containing big bgeos, I keep only the wetmap_worklflow.

interpolate_integer_frames.rar (260.9 KB)

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