How do I save/open image sequence in Houdini?

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Joined: 5月 2015
I tried using the MPlay output to render my image sequence. However, what is the right procedure of saving the image?

my file name is $HIP/xx.jpg but I cannot find where did my file is saved in my system. How can I find the location or what is the right way?

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Joined: 6月 2008
Generally you use the OUT network for generating output. Via Mantra node, OpenGL, Wren or any there 3rd party render system. In each of those ROP nodes (Render Output) there is a field for specifying your disk location. Remember to use the $F global variable if you want to output a series of frames. You can also add zero padding to the number in the filename by extending $F to say $F3 or $F4 which will pad the file number the requested number of digits


$HIP is the location where you have saved your Houdini scene file. If you have not saved the file, $HIP points to some temp folder on your system. So try to save your file before you render.
Using Houdini Indie 20.0
Windows 11 64GB Ryzen 16 core.
nVidia 3050RTX 8BG RAM.
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There are a number of ways to see what $HIP evaluates/expands to (or any other environment variable).

In lots of the save dialogs you can right click the text ‘$HIP’ and then click ‘expand path’, the ‘$HIP’ text will be replaced by the full path string that the $HIP variable holds.

Or you can open the textport (windows>Hscript textport) and type
echo $HIP.

Or if you have an environment variable used in a parameter, you can middle click on the field and it will expand the variable.
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