Extrude fuse points (bug?)

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It seems that none of the Fuse points options in the Extrude SOP has any effect-

I recall the fuse points option, when set to “clamp all points”, would clamp the edge that's extruding away from the source (green in top view) when that leading edge(red) encountered another expanding edge. When functioning & the extrusion continued, the setting would result in a poly similar to the blue line in bottom view.

Is this a known bug? I did find something similar here,
https://www.sidefx.com/index.php?option=com_forum&Itemid=172&page=viewtopic&t=41889 [sidefx.com]
-but not sure if there is a solution? Included sample hip file below, thanks,

extrude_fuse_points.hipnc (56.9 KB)
extrude_erroneous.jpg (96.9 KB)

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Do you know what Houdini version it worked in? It looks like it didn't work in Houdini 11.1, and that's the oldest version I have installed.

Could you submit a bug for it?
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Oh, apparently Extrude only ever had a simple case supported for that, where a couple neighbouring points get merged. However, the new PolyExpand2D SOP in Houdini 15.0 supports the general case and has various options depending on what you'd like output.

It seems to have a small bug with the E, but not as bad as with Extrude.

extrude_fuse_points_991_polyexpand2d.hipnc (60.3 KB)

Writing code for fun and profit since... 2005? Wow, I'm getting old.
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It seems to have a small bug with the E, but not as bad as with Extrude.

Happily, in this particular case there is no bug with PolyExpand2D. This is actually a symptom of the tolerances being too high for the input geometry. You can fix it by reducing the Coincidence Tolerance on the PolyExpand2D (say to 0.001) or scaling the input geometry up a bit.
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Thanks Neil for the updates

It seems the desired behaviour with Extrude SOP can (somewhat) be achieved by using the optional cross-section (second input on extrude), as sibarrick posted hip in odforce post about Bevel Text.
http://forums.odforce.net/index.php?app=core&module=attach&section=attach&attach_id=24659 [forums.odforce.net]

I will definitely check out PolyExpand2D in H15 as mentioned, thanks!
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