Why does hou.createNode() not work for material types?

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So I know its probably me but I did have a good dig around the docs/forum but …

If I middle click say the surface shader it tells me its a vopmaterial type. Running hou.nodeCreate with type as vopmaterial errors out saying “type none doesn't exist”.
If I repeat it with a box, cone, transform, channel, anything else really, using the type operator show in the network view, it WILL work. So what's up with shaders or shader context nodes?

I did see if any of the hou.shader or shop methods would do the same but no. I also tried hou.as code and the hou ‘ opscript’ wrapper and that will give me function definition to create the shader nodes but also blows away the top level parms so then I need to run opparm wrappers as well and suddenly it becomes a major task with error checking, instead of the 4-5 lines of code it takes for anything else.

So am I missing something? I am just switching out some of the fbx materials on fbx imports with mantra shaders but I am falling over at the final lines of the script which generate the shader nodes because of this nodeCreate() error line.

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the gallery materials are all build with pre-sets
if you put down a vopmaterial or a principledshader and click on the ‘gear’ you'll see a list of pre-sets : Rocks, Dirt, Skin etc etc

you SHOULD be able to use the hscript command :

oppresetload vopmaterial1 name_of_preset (and related commands)

but it seems to be broken…

I'll log a bug…
Michael Goldfarb | www.odforce.net
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Done a ton of python FBX and shader stuff on another forum recently and createNode definitely does work. As example, try ;

shader = hou.node('/shop')

As arctor said, vopmaterial is a generalized type so you then need to apply a preset after, either creating your own preset or recycling an existing gallery entry using the hou.galleries methods. ie,

applyclay = hou.node('/shop/vopmaterial1')

Obviously need to check your presets and nodes match for any other contexts you may be using (pyro, cvex, RSL, whatever). canApplyToNode() method can check that for you.

Good luck!
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was just informed that the material ‘pre-sets’ are not really pre-sets…
so the
methods are the only ones that will work.
Michael Goldfarb | www.odforce.net
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