Voice Sync ?

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Just wondering if anyone has used Voice Sync CHOP to create auto - lip-sync. Does it work and are there any
tutorials out there someone can point me to?


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There are no example files I can find for this Houdini 4.0 technology. I really wish the staff would revisit this and give us a working CHOP example lip synch file using Houdini 16.

Here is a link [sidefx.com] to the only online example I could find. It is marked “vintage”.

If you can make a working .HIP example from this PDF I'd love to see it.
Edited by Enivob - 2017年3月6日 20:50:25
Using Houdini Indie 20.0
Windows 11 64GB Ryzen 16 core.
nVidia 3050RTX 8BG RAM.
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thanks, I'll have a look.

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The documentation shows what appears to be a robust CHOP for analyzing a WAVE file for visemes that the user creates for mouth shapes linked to phonemes. Just search for “voice sync.” And apparently this capability goes back to Houdini 4.0. There is an old PDF attached that references a voiceCHOP.hip file to get you going, but that is no longer available as part of the current Houdini 16.

It is tantalizing yet annoying that there is no easy way (at least that I know of) to access these features. Why? I hope somebody out there cracks this stuff and lets us know how to use it.

chops_voiceCHOP.pdf (198.4 KB)

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