Multiple Animations in one FBX

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A quick question, how do we bundle multiple animations of a character into one FBX? I know in Blender, we can use dope sheet editor, but how to it in Houdini? Right now, I just make all my character's animations on a single timeline, then export it as FBX, and then cut the animation in Unity.
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I also have the same problem and would like to know if Houdini supports multiple animation export with Takes into FBX. Base on my experiments it seams like it doesn't. I would appreciate if someone can share their workflow of exporting multiple animations from Houdini to Unity.

INHO, One time line splitting workflow sounds ridiculous to me.
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In the ROP FBX Output node, there is an option in there to Export Animation Clips (Takes). It was implemented in 17.5.281. I hope this helps.
Edited by GlenD - 2019年7月10日 12:15:51

2019-07-10_12h12_17.png (25.1 KB)

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In the ROP FBX Output node, there is an option in there to Export Animation Clips (Takes). It was implemented in 17.5.281. I hope this helps.

Hey guys! Can someone help me to figure out how to use this functionality? It looks perfect for what I need, but I can't seem to get it to work, no matter how hard I try.

The main take gets exported successfully, but the other takes(walk, idle) don't work.

Here's what I have done(scene in the attachment):
- Create an object(teapot)
- Animate it going up and down in main take (just to test)
- Create take called “rotating”, animate rotation in it.
- Create take called “scaling”, animate scale in it.
- Create Filmbox FBX ROP node. Switched to render frame range, selected the object, added clips named “rotating” and “scaling”
- Set different ranges for rotating/scaling clips, just for testing purposes.
- Exported it to FBX.

- Blender detects only the “Main” take, the one where transform is animated.
- Godot(my goal is to export animation into godot) creates animation node, but doesn't see any animations at all.
- I have used FBX to GLTF converter [], it can't see any of the animations, says “Warning: animation ‘rotating’ has zero channels. Skipping.
Warning: animation ‘scaling’ has zero channels. Skipping.”
- I have used this converter []. It takes the animation from the main take, splits it into clips according to their frame ranges. But it doesn't detect animations included in takes at all.
- I have used this converter [], it also only detects the main take.

I'd really like to figure out how to make things work. None of the options I saw so far can detect animations included in takes.
Can somebody help me? I'm looking for any way to turn animation made in houdini into fbx or gltf.
Edited by rayalez - 2019年11月20日 14:53:14

hou-export-fbx.hip (76.1 KB)

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Another issue - on Houdini 17.5.173 on Mac Os Catalina the "Export Animation Clips (Takes)" option is completely missing from the "Filmbox FBX" node. Does anybody know why? Can somebody help me out?
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