hcustom keeps crashing when building

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I'm having an issue whenever i build anything with hcustom, it crashes in the build. I have VS 2015, but it still crashes

Any help would be great to figure out why nothing is compiling…

also if possible, where do I put the custom IMG_File object to show up in the editor? Having issues with that as well

I have two images below. trying to make the .raw file type appear, but it doesn't show in the drop menu for the textures still as well.
Edited by CHADALAK1 - 2017年6月29日 15:25:13

Houdini_Issue.jpg (176.2 KB)
Houdini_Issue2.jpg (229.6 KB)

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I found a solution to this. Before running hcustom, set the environment variable TBBMALLOC_PROXY_ENABLE to 0.

WARNING: Do NOT leave this set when running Houdini! I've seen 5x slow downs with this enabled.
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I found a solution to this. Before running hcustom, set the environment variable TBBMALLOC_PROXY_ENABLE to 0.

WARNING: Do NOT leave this set when running Houdini! I've seen 5x slow downs with this enabled.

That's soo weird… Is it a memory leak that happens with hcustom?

I'll try this after work today. This should create the proper DLLs? Also when I want to add the custom IMG_File class, should i place the created files anywhere in particular?

Update: Gave it a quick try. Went to PC->Properties->Advanced Settings->Environment Variables..No such luck. I set the environment variable to this.

Update 2: My complete bad… I set it to User based Variable instead of System Variable… now it works and does not crash !!

Next step is to figure out how to have the custom IMG_File class to appear in the drop menu when selecting a texture
Edited by CHADALAK1 - 2017年6月29日 17:00:05

Env_Problem.jpg (28.7 KB)

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I think this issue has been sidestepped in 16.0.656, so the environment variable should no longer be required as of that version.
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