Adding new packed prims to an RBD sim

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I'm creating packed prims in SOPs at different times, e.g., 1 at Frame 10, 2 at Frame 20 and so on but I can't get DOPs to read them in, other than by setting the creating frame to after they are all created. How do I set the RBD Packed DOP to create an object only on the frame it comes into DOPs for multiple objects?

I realize there may be no easy way to do this but it seems like there should be.
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Hip file if someone has time.

lathe.hiplc (4.9 MB)

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Here's a fix, feels like some optimisations could be made to the rest of the setup, but I only had the energy to tackle this much at this hour.

You can use a pop source to feed geo to rbd, much easier for this sort of thing. More info here: []

For this to work in your case, in sops the shavings should only exist on the frame they're created. I made a wrangle that looks at the previous frame, and if the piece exists there, remove it.

In practice, it didn't work. A closer look revealed that the names are jumping all over the place every frame (look at the split node that should be isolating piece2, it acts crazy).

To fix I had to insert a little network above the one I just made. It freezes on the last frame of your shavings, so the names are definitely consistent, and looks at the distance to the nearest packed prim in the animation sequence. If the distnce is within a very small range, keep it, otherwise delete it.

The dopnet itself is pretty straightforward.



lathe_me.hiplc (4.6 MB) [] []
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Thanks Matt, much appreciated.
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Joined: 4月 2016
Kevin. Did you ever end up finding a simple solution to this? I have the same problem.
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