Getting a Geometry File using a Python string

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Joined: 2月 2015
Hi everyone!

I'm trying to get a file run some operations and then save a new file using Python to set file paths, but I can't for the life of me get it to work.

Basic Python to build the file path:
name = 'SM_Floor_3x3_01_High'

highStart = 'S:/Jona_Marklund/_P3/Sculpts/'
lowStart = '"S:/Jona_Marklund/_P3/Low/'

highEnd = '.OBJ'
lowEnd = '.fbx'

highName = highStart + name + highEnd

name = name.replace('_High', '')

lowName = lowStart + name + lowEnd

print highName
print lowName

So, I want to push “highName” into file2's Geometry File field and load that file.

And push “lowName” into rop_fbx1's Output File field and be able to Save to Disk.

Would love to get some input on how I could do this.

Best Regards
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Joined: 9月 2014
Something like this?
fileNode = hou.node(“../file2”)

You can drag the fbx node into the python to get the path to the node. Hover over parameters to know what they are called behind the scenes.

fbxNode = hou.node(“/rop/rop_fbx1”)
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Thank you Patrick, that worked perfectly!

Learned something new today, even more thanks for that!

Here's the final code snippet should anyone stumble upon this thread in the future.

#Input .obj name
name = 'SM_Floor_3x3_01_High'

#Path where the .obj is located
highStart = 'S:/Jona_Marklund/_P3/Sculpts/'
#Path where the .fbx is to be saved
lowStart = 'S:/Jona_Marklund/_P3/Low/'

highEnd = '.OBJ'
lowEnd = '.fbx'

#Build the final .obj path
highPath = highStart + name + highEnd

#Remove "_High" to follow the naming convention of the project
name = name.replace('_High', '')

#Build the final .fbx path
lowPath = lowStart + name + lowEnd

#Get the input file node for .obj input
fileNode = hou.node("../file2")
#Get the rop_fbx node for .fbx eport
fbxNode = hou.node("../rop_fbx1")

#Set the "file" paramater to final path
#Set the "sououtput" paramater to final path

#Test strings
#print highName
#print lowName
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