I have a polite feature request about the facial rig

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Joined: 4月 2013
I would be nice if we could have a shrinkwrap option for the facial rig. I mean if you want to use the facial rig for a dog or a bear it would be nice if it could shrinkwrap itself around the nose of the dog, bear or goat or whatever animal or character you want. You could just place the nulls or markers om the face and the facial rig would then remap itself to the new shape.

I shall file an RFE for this.

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please do RFE any ideas you have,
the way the rig works now - the low poly cage is a basic human, has a basic set of blendshapes
while is /might/ work for a character that is not at all human (dog for example) none of the blends would work.
it's not something that I've tested as it's been outside of the scope of the project - however a the future plans for the Autorigs framework is for people to be able to build their own modules - and it would then be possible for a user to build their own custom Low Poly Cage (with blendshapes appropriate for that kind of character) and then that would work in the same way as the module does now.
the facial module in H17 is really designed to give users something to start from, and to show some techniques that might be useful.
Michael Goldfarb | www.odforce.net
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I was thinking about raycasting the rigshape along the normals so you can use it on dogsfaces or bearfaces. If you could raycast or reproject the rig along different facial shapes that would be nice. And a tracker for tracking video. You basically do some point tracking, like you would normally do in a compositing package and link it to the vertex points of the facial control rig. Something like this with a point tracker like in compositing and linked to the vertexpoints.

https://zigncreations.com/products/zign-track-2/ [zigncreations.com]
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