Collider not working correctly, what did I do wrong?

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I have a sim that I am working on. I have a grid of hexagons, which I have added a static object to.

When I run it, the fluid goes right through. What did I do wrong? I have tried adding a null to the hexagon grid, but that didn't do it.

Any ideas?

Thanks so much, ad

Screen Shot 2018-10-17 at 4.40.50 PM.png (862.1 KB)
Hexagon Fluid.hiplc (2.0 MB)

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Try ticking on “output back” on your polyextrude SOP. If you check the VDB output (second output) on the collision source SOP, you'll see that without output back turned on, the VDB isn't properly representing those hexagonal collision objects.

Hope that does the trick!
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Nope, that didn't do it…..Still just shooting through.
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Ah, sorry. I wasn't able to run the sim on my home laptop. Seeing the other issues now.

in the autodop network, navigate to your grid1 static object, click the collisions tab, and under the volume tab decrease your division size. (0.02 seems good)

On the flip fluid object check on Collision separation and decrease the size to something like 0.05

That should get you what you need. If you want a better understanding of how to set up colliders with FLIP, check out the first 30min of this webinar: []
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Weird, I still cannot get it to work, did you do those changes to my file and get it to work?
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