import_pyrofields and import_pyro_visualization

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Hello I have 2 questions about Pyro_import:

1) In import_pyrofields I used tab “save to file” > button “save to file”. After the render was finished, I used the “load from disk” check box. However, when I play the timeline, the simulation is still calculated , so the playback is still very slow. How can I tell Hou to only read from disk?

2) From what I understood, import_pyro_visualization is only for the viewport. Could this node take the date from the saved files on disk, that were rendered using import_pyrofields? In that case, should I plug import_pyrofields in the input of import_pyro_visualization ?
Houdini gamboler
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Well I think I found the answer for my first question. What I did : in /obj level, select node pyro_sim > parameter pane > tab Cache > Cache simulation > uncheck. Is it the right way to do it?

As for my second question, I'm wondering if it would be enough to put the display flag on “import_pyrofields” and forget about “import_pyro_visualization”, would it be the correct way to proceed?
Houdini gamboler
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