Export arnold ass files

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Hello gang,
Im trying to understand how i can check existing files on disk and skip them. It seems Tops is failing to do so, because im using arnold's ROP as opposed to your typical houdini node.
I tried filerange but i can only get it to crash the scene. Endless loop it seems.
The network is simple, just 2 attributes and then a ropfetch node that would get the output from the fetched node.
Cache Mode is on Auto, and its still recooking existing files.
Any lights on the matter mostly appreciated as usu

top.jpg (50.3 KB)

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The topnet container has certain strategies that affect caching after work items are prepared again. The On Node Recook parameter is responsible for this and you can choose the appropriate value for your case.

https://www.sidefx.com/docs/houdini/nodes/obj/topnet.html [www.sidefx.com]
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Thanks very much for the suggestion. Its no luck for me, frames are still being overwritten.
Gave all the options a go.

Figured out ropfetch overrides any effort of skipping existing frames, specially when set to frame range.
Tried using filerange > filterbyExpression > ropfetch set to single frame. It seems to work, with the caveat that each missing frame will open its own houdini instance.
Edited by axelsp - 2023年11月20日 15:57:25
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