Making temporary default value for a param in my HDA

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In my HDA I would like to have some dynamic default values for one parameter. I tested some approaches. I can change it's default value on HDA's definition object (using parmTemplateGroup). But there is also temporary default. I can set it up via UI by RMB --> Make Current Value Default. How do I create this temporary default via python?
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It seems there is no way to do it through python except to restore this to template defaults using parm [] or parmTuples [] methods.

Additionally you can define the default values using the node type events such as OnCreated and OnLoaded:

This also allows to set multi-parm defaults
Edited by viklc - 2024年1月29日 09:19:04

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I tested this out in the python shell and it worked:

my_node = hou.node("path-to-your-node")
my_parm_templ_grp = my_node.parmTemplateGroup()
my_parm = my_node.parm("parm-name")
my_parm_templ = my_parm.parmTemplate()
my_parm_templ.setDefaultValue((12,)) # the new default has to be a tuple
my_parm_tepl_grp.replace(, my_parm_templ)

Basically you have to change the default of the parmTemplate that corresponds to your parameter, then replace it in the parmTemplateGroup, then replace your node's parmTemplateGroup with the modified one.
Edited by rafaels - 2024年1月30日 01:07:05
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