Render Voronoi Piece Colors

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Maybe a very basic question, but when I fracture an object using "voronoifracture" and use the "rbdcluster" SOP to adjust the colors for every piece, I can see a different color for every piece in the viewport, but how can I pipe these colors into a shader for Redshift ?

Color attribute doesn't seem to work, it seems I can't even see the colors in the geometry spreadsheet point attributes ?

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Joined: 9月 2014
- the voronoi create a name attribute under primitives
- you can use a color sop and set

class to - ptimitive
color Type - Random
Attribute - name
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Joined: 3月 2014
Hey thanks.

Really weird, I tried this before and at first I could not get this to work.

But it started rendering the colors of the pieces in Redshift after adding an RBDCluster SOP and toggeling the "Piece Visualisation" on top of adding the Color SOP.

But after it "woke up" I could remove the RBDCluster and it rendered the colors just fine.

The magical world of Houdini.....
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