Carlos Dordelly


About Me

3D Artist & Director Co-Founder at @dyne_studio. Challenging myself to experiment and translate what can be created through the beauty of CG imaginary.
Advertising / Motion Graphics


Santiago, Chile

Houdini Engine

Motion Editing  | Lighting
Digital Assets  | Cloth  | Solaris  | Karma
PDG  | Python


Not Specified

Recent Forum Posts

H20.5 - Light Instances Overrides 2024年7月26日11:58

Hi Rob!

Another user told me that it was working correctly in the daily build 20.5.307 and it works indeed:

So something is already fixed from this between the current production and the daily build .

It is curious that the "radius" attribute affects the Rectangle light right? or also that the width/height affects a Disk light:

The only thing is that I can't still see the instanced lights on Houdini VK (already mentioned on this thread []), it is the same on your side?

In the other hand, I have one more question about the light instancing workflow, for cases where I have multiple lights in one instanced asset, there is a way to control or "map" the overrides? let's say that I want to apply the overrides only on the "arealight1"

Thanks again!

H20.5 - Light Instances Overrides 2024年7月26日2:00


With the new light instancing workflow from H20.5, is it possible to override all the USD attributes from the light? I thought that only the color and the intensity were possible to override but thanks to another user I learned that in theory, other attributes should be possible to override too, like the spread or the exposure, the thing is, if I try to override the "height" or the "width" from a rectangle light, it is not working, maybe I'm missing a custom syntax for those cases? or what can I be missing to do this correctly?

For example, if I change from rectLight to disk, the radius attribute override is not working here either.

Let me know if I'm doing something wrong, thanks!

help needed with volume mat assignment in solaris please 2024年7月26日1:48


Do you have enabled the "Tint Smoke Color with Cd" but you don't have a Cd volume grid with color information, and also might be a good idea to keep the density grid name as "density".

I uploaded the updated file, hope it helps, cheers!