This Tutorial Series teaches you how to use procedural organic modelling techniques to create an Ammonidea. This tutorial will cover the use of VDB/SDFs Volumes and compile block loops.

1 | Ammonidea / The Task at Hand

2 | Overview of the Complete Setup

3 | The Spiral

4 | The Chamber Sizes

5 | The Interactive Preview Setup

6 | The VDB SDF Loops

This series will have 10+ videos in the end

COMING soon:

  • 7.) meshing
  • 8.) curve frame
  • 9.) why vdb sdf and not polygon boolean
  • 10.) resample
  • 11.) maybe a few more... lets see


  • Dimitris Liatsos 5 年, 9 ヶ月 前  | 

    Great work Olaf. Keep them coming!

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