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総再生時間: 2h 7m 55s

Project Pegasus では、Houdini の使用により、短時間でのツールとプロトタイプの試作が可能になりました。チームは当初、Houdini の既存の草木ツールに不足を感じていました。そこで、新たなツールセットの試作に着手し、それを Flora と名付けたのです。Flora は自然かつリアルに草木をモデリングをするために作られたツールセットです。このツールはまだプロトタイプで、Houdini の今後の草木ツールの機能の基本コンセプトを形にしたものです。Flora ツールとその背後にあるコンセプトについて詳しく学びましょう。尚、開発のごく初期段階のツールのため、バグが起きたり動作が不安定になる可能性があります。



For over thirty five years, SideFX has been providing artists with procedural 3D animation and visual effects tools designed to create the highest-quality cinematic results. We are passionate about what our customers do because our roots are in production, both as artists and as pioneering technical innovators.

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  • Michail Philatov 12 ヶ月 前  | 

    Hi Feike !
    Thank you for the interesting lesson. Your tools are impressive!
    Can you explain where we can test the Flora tool or when you are planning to share it ?

  • Michail Philatov 12 ヶ月 前  | 

    Ups, sorry I found the project :)

  • azad.3ds 11 ヶ月 前  | 

    Where can we get updates regarding flora? This is the workflow I was looking for. more artistic controls on each generation would be great similar to grove 2.0

  • walkinginspace 10 ヶ月, 4 週間 前  | 

    Anyone know where the Scott pine asset is? I opened up the project files and got all kinds of errors(yes OTL's were installed). Thanks for any help!

  • VFX_South_AB 10 ヶ月, 2 週間 前  | 

    Where are the OTLs located please ?

  • Battlearmer 8 ヶ月, 2 週間 前  | 

    initially in the video...why my default orientation of the line is somewhat tilted at an angle?

  • GeorgeHulm 6 ヶ月, 4 週間 前  | 

    Hi all, thank you for your interest in the Flora tools.

    I just wanted to let you know that we are hard at work on building an actual toolset which was somewhat inspired by this very early proof of concept, and we will have a lot more to share in the near future!

  • tarr11 1 ヶ月, 3 週間 前  | 

    Hello - Any update on this tool? Looks like the perfect thing that I would like to use!

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