Next Steps | Procedural Animation

This course is an extension of a 12 week series of online webinar classes that takes you deep into Houdini and its procedural approach to animation and VFX. Designed for CG artists working with Houdini to explore and refine ideas in order to meet the creative needs of the project while hitting many tight deadlines.


6 Tutorials 6:33:11

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Lesson 1 | Intro To CHOPs
Next Steps - Procedural Animation Series Lesson 1 In this introductory week we will start to learn how to set up CHOP networks to import geometry data, and visualize/organize the motion view.
Lesson 2 | CHOPs Projects
Next Steps - Procedural Animation Series PART II This week we continue learning CHOPs by doing a couple of projects.
Lesson 3 | Intro To Dynamics
Next Steps - Procedural Animation Series PART III This week covers the basics of Dynamics. We will cover simple “art directed” motion based on dynamics. We will be looking at the Details view to understand the theory behind dynamics and in future weeks look at practical examples.
Lesson 4 | Wire Solvers
Next Steps - Procedural Animation Series PART IV Wire solvers are the focus this week. Wire solvers are great to control deformable structures such as trees falling with deformation. We will learn the solver by doing a couple of projects including the classic “jellyfish tentacles” effect.
Lesson 7 | Particles
Next Steps - Procedural Animation Series PART V Lesson 7 is an introduction to using the new particles in Houdini 13. We will look at the setup, main nodes to control simulation, and integration of particles into Dynamics. The class will end by using particles to create network diagram effects.
Lesson 8 | Particle Examples
Next Steps - Procedural Animation Series PART VI In this lesson, we will continue our exploration of particles and create projects to simulate sand, and ball bearings.