Dave Rindner


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United States

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Laplacian flow fluid surface smoothing Aug. 1, 2023, 12:23 p.m.

The Laplacian flow is a geometric flow introduced by Robert
Bryant as a way for finding torsion free G2-structures.

Hooray for English language! Now what does that mean?

VEX code for scaling pscale per point per time step July 4, 2023, 5:28 p.m.

For Maya users equivalent MEL code would be
pscale *= .9 ;
so why wouldn't you try the same? (instead of trying == which is comparison of equality and not an assignment)
@pscale *= 0.9;

assuming you run it in DOP environment, like Solver SOP or directly DOP net
pscale *= .9 ;
Does not work in SOP level pointWrangle and attributeWrangle SOPs. Houdini generates syntax error and bypasses the SOP node.
you forgot @ to bind to pscale attribute

here is an example in plain SOPs where this will be applied once to incoming value

and also inside of Solver SOP where it will be applied every timestep

What is the difference between $pscale and @pscale in VEX? @pscale reads like Py.
Overall how does Houdini treat, in expression, @attribute vs. $attribute .

VEX code for scaling pscale per point per time step July 3, 2023, 3:47 p.m.

For Maya users equivalent MEL code would be
pscale *= .9 ;
so why wouldn't you try the same? (instead of trying == which is comparison of equality and not an assignment)
@pscale *= 0.9;

assuming you run it in DOP environment, like Solver SOP or directly DOP net
pscale *= .9 ;
Does not work in SOP level pointWrangle and attributeWrangle SOPs. Houdini generates syntax error and bypasses the SOP node.