Jonny Bradley
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Stop Engine from loading on startup Jan. 12, 2019, 7:12 a.m.
Oops; you are definitely correct Vusta.
I was being daft and not reading everything properly.
Totally blanked over the “Open the plugin pane when 3ds Max starts” text.
Thanks for pointing out my simple error.
I was being daft and not reading everything properly.
Totally blanked over the “Open the plugin pane when 3ds Max starts” text.

Thanks for pointing out my simple error.
Stop Engine from loading on startup Jan. 4, 2019, 12:43 a.m.
I'm having this problem too using version Houdini 17.0.416 with Indie Engine license & 3DS Max 2017.
I can see the tickbox for Auto startup in the options tab. However, even when it's unticked it still loads up on startup.
It's a not a deal breaker just slightly annoying.
I'm having this problem too using version Houdini 17.0.416 with Indie Engine license & 3DS Max 2017.
I can see the tickbox for Auto startup in the options tab. However, even when it's unticked it still loads up on startup.
It's a not a deal breaker just slightly annoying.