Hadi Jamshidi


About Me

VFX Artist


Tehran, Iran, Islamic Republic of

Houdini Skills

Karma  | Lighting  | Pyro FX  | Fluids  | Destruction FX
Environments  | Cloth  | Crowds  | Solaris  | VEX
PDG  | Python


I am currently employed at Kanoon Iran Novin

Recent Forum Posts

Flip container, moving up the domain, 4th input connected July 10, 2024, 3:02 a.m.

apparently, when the waterline option in Flipsolver is off, the water level is at Y=0 by default.

It is reasonable to think that when I move the domain up ( Y+), the ocean evaluates which is connected to it, moves up then Flipsolver solves the simulation wherever the water is, but that doesn't occur here.

Flip container, moving up the domain, 4th input connected July 8, 2024, 4:36 a.m.


This is a very simplified question and I need help to understand it.
a straightforward scene, a tube, a container ... almost default.

when the transform node is at its origin, I see particles moving with the ocean spectrum. but when I move the tube up the particles disappear.
this is what I understand when the domain is going up ( and the waterline option is off) the source is coming from 4th input where It gets its transform from tr3. In other words, everything should work, but they don't.
what am I doing wrong?

I appreciate any help you can provide.

polyextrude along a curve May 19, 2024, 2:43 a.m.

thank you Mike!
I know about this workflow and I use it.

but I believe the old workflow was like this:

- set extrusion to 1
- Set Spline shape to: Curve from second input
- Set divisions high enough to follow your curve.
more manageable right?

I'm trying to do a procedural extrusion with different curve lengths, so It is more convenient to do it this way. otherwise, I have to loop the curves and snap the transform to the tip of the curve.