Ronan Croyal
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How to add an event "On Bake" to an HDA March 7, 2022, 7:06 p.m.
Is there a way to add to an HDA an event handler similar (or something similar) to those available in the "Scripts" page when an HDA is "Bake" in Unreal ?
It's just to switch to "1" an integer parameters on my HDA.
This is what it looks like with an "On Deleted" Event Handler, but it doesn't work as I expected in Unreal.
Thank you for your help
Is there a way to add to an HDA an event handler similar (or something similar) to those available in the "Scripts" page when an HDA is "Bake" in Unreal ?
It's just to switch to "1" an integer parameters on my HDA.
This is what it looks like with an "On Deleted" Event Handler, but it doesn't work as I expected in Unreal.
Thank you for your help
Normal corners-Replicate "Stretch Around Corners" from sweep March 31, 2021, 6:42 a.m.
Wow, this is great! Thanks a lot!
Normal corners-Replicate "Stretch Around Corners" from sweep March 28, 2021, 7:30 a.m.
Hey, thanks a lot !
It's working fine for planar curve indeed. Do you have an idea how to adapt that to primitives like in my example ?
I will find a way to adapt your solution to my problem otherwise.
Thank you !
It's working fine for planar curve indeed. Do you have an idea how to adapt that to primitives like in my example ?
I will find a way to adapt your solution to my problem otherwise.
Thank you !