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holding alt causes viewport to tumble (and other issues) Sept. 30, 2015, 12:52 a.m.

Starting back up on learning houdini. Following “go Procedural's” lesson 2 (nodes, networks and assets). I did this tutorail a ways back with houdini 12.5 with no issue, but now with 14 (installed the lasted production build today), i am getting weird issue after weird issue on both my laptop PC and desktop PC. It is becoming impossible to work.
Running Windows 8.1 64 on both machines. One with a GTX480 (don't laugh) and the lother with a GTX760m.
(note: when I first did this tutorial in H12.5 it was with the same desktop PC hardware. The Only differences now are the houdini version and moving from windows 7 to 8.1)

First, all houdini's viewports will tumble on their axis when i hold alt on them? Upon playing with the “viewports” preferences to try to fix this issue the viewports now tumble indefinitely whenever I hover my mouse over them. The perpective viewport also begins infini-tumbling if I attempt to frame the geo using alt+a. I have attempted to rebuild this scene 3 times now with the same results.

second: the tutorial asks me to select all the points of a piece of geo by clicking (a). This didn't work. Looked it up and other instructions stated to click ctrl+A. That failed to produce a result as well. So i decided to shift drag a selection. Houdini refused to select obscured points, that is points technically “covered” by face geo of the same object (which made it impossible to work as several points were inside the geo).

third: The tutorial then told me to put those selected points into a “group transform” node. I couldn't find a node by that name, but I did find a group node with an identical icon. Assuming this was the same node I created it only to find it did not attach to the selected node upstream, no did it recognize the selection I had just made.
I attempted to manually attach the node to the upstream nodes in the tutorial and houdini refused to allow ANY connections to be drawn to or from ANY of the existing nodes (a box, a primitive, and a transform node at the time).

I do not recall Houdini giving me any of these issues when I did it a ways back so I can only assume there is something wrong with my hardware compatibility or really wrong with my default preferences. I am at a complete loss on how to correct this, or if it really is just me. Hope someone can help.
