Daniel Huiting


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Moving textures on GEO problem July 26, 2024, 7:31 p.m.

Check what coordinates are included in your texture
Ok will do. How do I do this?

Moving textures on GEO problem July 26, 2024, 12:08 p.m.


I have a scene where I used a 4k leather texture from Megascans for an Old Book HDA that I bought, and in the render, the texture glitches/jumps instead of staying put. I'm rendering in Solaris Karma XPU.

I remember I had an issue with this once with Octane render and the solution was to check a box in the render settings to calculate textures on every frame. Is there something like that in Karma?

Or is is a UV issue and I need to do something to make the textures stick?

H264 movie attached of the issue. LMK if I need to send screenshots of the setup.


Using Primvar in Solaris to assign materials to parts of geo July 22, 2024, 9:37 a.m.

Siavash Tehrani
Looks like there are some normals issues with the edges too.

Still trying to get the normals and UVs right. There is a smearing effect on the edge of the book cover that I don't know how to fix.
I went back into SOPs and deleted uv attribute, added Labs Auto UV node set to "unwrap" and the UVs look better now, but the material still has the smear effect on the edges (see screenshot)

Also, I added a normal node at the end of the chain in SOPs (for the book cover) and that didn't fix the issue either.

What can I try to fix the normals and get this to look right? Happy to send DL link to project if needed.
