Marcus Kjeldsen


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Unity Plug-in not visible in installation options June 14, 2024, 6:53 a.m.

Glad you got it sorted. Any eta on H20.0.736 reaching production build?

Make Bake to Prefab variation without having to rename files Feb. 3, 2024, 11:16 a.m.

Sorry to revive this thread

I am having the same issue as Smoluck, and I'd love some way to control the output prefab and mesh name, or at the very least a add prefix to it. Especially because it's quite vulnerable to mistakes when renaming asset manually, not to mention the painful workflow it creates.

I'd prefer not edit the unity plugin itself, as I am not entirely clear how the name is being used in the code, but if that is what it takes . From what I can tell, the name of the prefab is taken from the _assetName property, and the mesh .asset name is taken from the _assetOpName property, but if I edit these, the plugin complains about the names not matching the actual asset, not to mention that these are private properties.

What is the best entry point for overriding the output names in the unity plugin? Alternatively, could we get a simple string field on the HEU_HoudiniAssetRoot object, or even just some way to set it with the HDA itself, similar to the "instance_prefix" or the "unity script" attribute?

Any tips or pointers would be much appreciated!

Can't see curve editor in unity but there is no any errors! April 14, 2021, 2:16 p.m.

Hi Aganztracy, I'm all new at this myself, but very often I find myself forgetting to enable gizmos, which hides the whole curve interface as well

Btw, is it a curve sop in an hda you have authored, or are you adding a new curve object directly in unity?
