Learn how to embed a Houdini geometry file (.bgeo) inside your Houdini asset to ensure that the geometry is more easily shared with colleagues. This way you won't have to separately import the geometry each time you use the asset.
In Houdini
- Install, instantiate, and unlock the Geometry_EmbedBgeoInAsset_Start.hda example in Houdini.
- Right-click on the node in the network editor and select Allow Editing of Contents.
- Right-click on the node again and select Type Properties....
- In the Edit Operator Type Properties window go to the Extra Files tab.
- At the bottom, to the right of the Filename field, click the browse button and find cactus1.bgeo.
- Once you have the path in Filename click on Add File.
- Click Accept at the bottom of the Edit Operator Type Properties window.
- Back in the network editor, go inside the Geometry_EmbedBgeoInAsset1 node to the geometry (SOP) level.
- Click on the file2 node.
- In the parameters pane, set the Geometry File parameter to opdef:..?cactus1.bgeo.
- In the top Houdini menu, click on Assets > Save Asset > Geometry_EmbedBgeoInAsset.
In Unity
- Go to Houdini Engine > Load Houdini Asset... and find your Geometry_EmbedBgeoInAsset_Start.hda asset.
- You should see the cactus in the Scene view. No additional files are require to be imported.
In UE4
- Right-click in the Content Browser and select Import to....
- Find your Geometry_EmbedBgeoInAsset_Start.hda and import it.
- Drag it from the Content Browser to the Viewport.
- You should see the cactus in the Viewport. No additional files are require to be imported.
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