Learn how to create a standalone Houdini Digital Asset containing multiple Houdini object (OBJ) nodes inside.
In Houdini
- From the Create shelf, click on Torus, then press Enter in the viewport.
- From the Create shelf, click on Sphere, then press Enter in the viewport.
- In the network pane, select both of the newly created nodes: torus_object1 and sphere_object1.
- In Houdini's top-level menu, click on Assets > New Digital Asset From Selection....
- Give it a nice Operator Name like torus_sphere and set the Save to Library to an appropriate folder with a nice name like torus_sphere.hda. Hit Accept.
- When the Edit Operator Type Properties window appears, select Accept.
- You should now have a new node in the network pane called subnet1. This is an aggregate node that contains your torus and sphere nodes.
- To see the torus and sphere nodes double-click on the subnet1 node.
- The benefit of multi-object assets, even if they contain a single object to start with, is that one can easily add more objects in the future without having to create a new asset.
In Unity
- Go to Houdini Engine > Load Houdini Asset... and find your torus_sphere.hda asset.
- You should see the sphere within the torus in the Scene view.
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