During the first portion of the course, we will explore various ideas surrounding a UV/Bitmap workflow.    The pros, cons, and trade-offs offered by this technique are worth heavy consideration.    Although UDIMs are the most commonly used technique across a variety of industries, it isn't always the best solution to meeting production tasks.  We'll talk about why that is the case along with the benefits that this technique has to offer.    This course then moves on towards examining the most useful UV techniques while examining the skull prop found in the wizard tower scene (which is included in the course files).  

The next section offers a combination of general advice & best practices for aiming your aesthetic decision making.    A  great texture artist  is defined by the aesthetic choices which  are made.   We'll talk about these critical topics while examining reference, analyzing shapes, prepping textures, and baking signals in preparation for the painting process.  

Finally, during the last portion of the course, we will move on towards the painting process.  Substance Painter is used in this demonstration, but the ideas can be easily transferable to any other texture painting application.   Topics include:  layer techniques, emphasizing forms, compression techniques, and finally bridging our maps back to Houdini.  By the end of the course, you'll have a solid understanding of how to about this technique in an efficient, professional, and intentional way.



Tyler Bay is the owner of cgforge.com - which is an online Houdini school that offers high quality courses, resources, and individual mentorships to help you achieve your Houdini goals.

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