How do I install Houdini on Linux?

The installer must be run using sudo.


  • Make sure that the install file is not located in root's home folder (/root) as this will give you permission errors during the install process.
  • Install the License Server component if:
    • installing for Houdini Indie or Houdini Apprentice.
    • the computer is a license server to serve licenses to client machines, or
    • a Workstation (nodelock, not using a remote license server) is installed.
  • If the computer is a client machine and will use a remote license server, you do not need to install the License Server component.

To install:

  1. Open a Terminal.
  2. Unpack the downloaded tar.gz archive.
    $ tar -xvf houdini-20.5.487-linux_x86_64_gcc11.2.tar.gz
    // This should create a directory called houdini-20.5.487-linux_x86_64_gcc11.2
  3. Go into the unpacked directory and run the houdini.install script using sudo.
    $ cd houdini-20.5.487-linux_x86_64_gcc11.2
    $ sudo ./houdini.install
    Alternatively, you can also double click on the houdini.install file with your mouse. It will run the installer in a terminal.

    Enter a number to toggle an item to be installed.
    1. Houdini yes
    2. Desktop Menus for Houdini yes
    3. Symlinks in /usr/local/bin no
    4. Symlink /opt/hfs/20.5 to install directory yes
    5. License Server no
    6. Avahi (Third-party) no
    7. SideFx Labs no
    8. Houdini Engine for Maya no
    9. Houdini Engine for Unreal no
    10. HQueue Server no
    11. HQueue Client no
    D. Change installation directory (/opt/hfs/XX.X.XXX)
    F. Finished selections, proceed to next step
    Q. Quit (no installation will  be attempted)
    4. If installing for a license server, or Houdini Apprentice or Houdini Indie, make sure to install the License Server component (5 in the image above) in the installer.
    5. The licensing menu may appear during the installation process if no installed licenses can be detected.
    * If you are installing Apprentice, choose "Install Houdini Apprentice license. * If you are installing a commercial product, choose I have a paid license for Houdini.

    For more information about licensing Houdini please refer to Licensing a Houdini product

    To launch Houdini from the Terminal, type the following:

    1. $ cd /opt/hfs20.5
    2. $ source houdini_setup
      // This should setup the Houdini environment for you.
    3. $ houdini