Capping a L-system

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Hi again,

Following my L-System question, here is a tougher one
Does anyone have got a wise idea to “fill” that L-system ?

See the little squares ? I want them to be filled, like for example a capping polygon or something like that. I already tried to play with extrude, then clip / cookie, etc .. but it's very clean at all .
Basically I want to carve out that L-system shape …

Thanks again in advance

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but it is an open shape
you would need to close it first. Or outline the shape or sweep a shape along it.
Robert Kelly
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yep, that's right, but it's doesn't need to be very precise, I tried to play with the polywire SOP , I think I need some kind of projection to outline the overall shape ..
I know that's not a common problem :?
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If you get a tangled cable and throw it on the floor and consider how to cap it there needs to be some order.

You need to be able to have some fuzzy idea how it could be done. if you just want to have the outside shape that is doable.

But I can?ft help now because I am already procrastinating about other work.
Robert Kelly
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yeah, actually just the outer shape would be fine
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maby treet it like a heap of points and deal with it that way
Robert Kelly
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The most precise-and-doable solution i see is the following:
keep on the idea of polywiring it: polywire it enough ( so that the interior is filled wih geometry – since the base geometry is dense the wire radius needn't be high)
Use the GeometryCOP, where you render from the good direction.
Use then a TraceCOP pointing to the GometryCOP.
That should give a good contour!
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But if you work with a real close L-system ( like the Koch island example in the docs or if you make this one close), extrude and intersect with a plane with the Cookie SOP.
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Well, that's a very ingenious solution, and it's working very well !

Merci bien !

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