OS and FX 500 (boring topic)

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At home I use houdini on winXP with a gamer radeon 9000. Sadly, for me this setup is as reliable as an Italian car. I've got my hands on a little money and I want to sort it.

I know houdini is native to unix. Can Houdini be used flawlessly with a professional graphics card under windows? (no offense intended to the nice people at sidefx)

I checked the list of cards in the support section and does the quadro fx 5200 refer to the quadro fx 500? (Thats the only cheaper version of the fx quadros in the UK). Cutting it short… is the quadro fx 500 supported?

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In the nvidia docs they say the quadro fx 500 cards are compatible with houdini. So I bought one! Going in the uk from insight for £180.

No more ati. at last.
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hiya Henster

hope you get on ok with your new card

when i first loaded up houdini it ran fantastically and then at a later date it slowed to a crawl but luckily it was only down to having changed video card drivers so after a quick update *ping* my probs were solved :p. just thought i'd mention in case you ran in to any ‘teething’ problems when initially starting up

as i understand it…the ati cards have probs in quite a few of the 3d apps out there not that i'm flaming them here :eek: i just wnated to point it out to peeps in case anyone was interested and/or looking at getting a new video card for 3d apps

www.3DBuzz.com [3dbuzz.com] Super Duper Moderator(TM)
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hello mister black, thanks for the reply. But, I think the gfti500 is a geforce card.

The FX 500 arrived. Its my first pro card and I'm not going back. That alfa romeo has turned into a BMW.

With antialiasing and an anisotopic filtering off it seems bulletproof. Very recommended.

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hiya Henster

yeah, my card is a geforce3 titanium500 i just wanted to let you know my experiences and was also using it as a demonstration of the performance difference many users have had between an nVidia chip and an ati one when running various 3d apps

i hear what you're saying…and yup, i'm jealous! he he

i think i'll most likely be looking at upgrades later in the year

i'll definately bare the fx500 in mind though…cheers for the recommendation

www.3DBuzz.com [3dbuzz.com] Super Duper Moderator(TM)
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Monsieurblack is right. nVidia definetly has less problems with 3d apps.
The FX 500 is a nice card but still at the very low entry level to the pro ones. It costs the 5th of the next higher the FX 1000.
But no matter i'm jelous as well.

Where you might get trouble with the nVidia cards is in Linux. God how often did i have to kill the drivers and reinstall them.

nVidia is just not giving out the sourcecode for the drivers and the linux drivers are very bad coded. I got that from multiple sources.

Well anyhow.
Have fun with your new card, me myself i'm heading more towards 3dlabs on the future, because the equivalent nVidia card costs me a fortune :p

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