[Rendering] Unknown operator type: Vop/global warning

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Hi all:

Every time I start a new interactive render from the Render View, even if it's a brand-new scene with nothing else except a new Mantra node dropped into it, I keep getting this warning message popping up in the console when I start a new interactive render:

Unknown operator type: Vop/global

Even re-creating my preferences didn't alleviate this issue. While afaik it doesn't seem to have any impact on the actual functionality, I'm wondering if this is normal behaviour for anyone else?


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I am getting similar errors with one of my scenes, just a little bit different:

“Unknown operator type: Sop/null”
“Unknown operator type: Sop/attribvop”

No idea so far what causes them.
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Not just for this issue, but in general terms, if you see an error message that doesn't make sense to you, please log a bug. Thanks!
Chris McSpurren
Senior Quality Assurance Specialist
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Did you happen to a new Operator Type and then move on? I placed a python print statement in the onCreate event of a default operator I created and now it shows up in the console every time I open Houdini. (which is expected operation)
Using Houdini Indie 20.0
Windows 11 64GB Ryzen 16 core.
nVidia 3050RTX 8BG RAM.
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Not that I know of.
But I copied everything over to a new project and now the error is gone.

If I get this again I'll send a bug report.
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I got this error again and filed a bug report. I am posting Support's answer here in case someone else gets the same error messages:

This is because the .hip file contains an entry in OPpreferences for Shop/vopmaterial which is not an HDA

To see that, open Window > Hscript Textport and do ‘otprefer’.

To clear the error from the scene do ‘otprefer -c’. See ‘help otprefer’ for more info.

This indeed got rid of the error, although I am still not quite sure what I did to cause it.
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