recreate the dual rest solver in H15

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Short answer - I want to recreate the pyro dual rest solver in SOPS to output a new position value from dual rest fields that I can use with standard houdini vops

I have a smoke sim from pyro with dual rest fields, and I want to use the rest fields as my sample source for a custom noise in a volume VOP, amongst other things. However with Houdini 14+ the dual rest solver only seems to work with unified noise as it has two outputs, or in houdini 15, a signal output. It doesn't play well with any standard VOP nodes, I.e. if you output it into a regular noise for instance it will error out like crazy

With older versions of houdini you could use a mix to blend between rest and rest2 using rest_ratio as the bias (see attached for a simple example) but this no longer seems to work and causes popping in the noise as the rest positions change, as it doesnt account for rest2_ratio, or rest2 in general (or so Im guessing).

Both the dual rest solver and unified noise have been black boxed in Houdini 14+, so does anyone know how to either-

A) recreate the dual rest solver using regular vops


B) get the dual rest solver to work with regular turbulent or anti-aliased noise?

Any help would be greatly appreciated

old_rest_setup.PNG (50.9 KB)

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I have the same problem
Tried to combined rest and rest2 but it is popping
Claire []
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Joined: July 2012
It seems to be working with rest = ratio*res2 + (1-ratio)*rest

restField.jpg (43.9 KB)

Claire []
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