Question about the mesh of the Unity particle system launching HDA bakea! (To solve, version issue, change to the latest version of the line!!)

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The mesh of Baked Assets cannot be launched by particles…And the mesh in the Meshes can be emitted by a particle, but the view is blue, what's the reason for that?Thank you. Thank you very much for your reply…Attach a file
Edited by vfx_yFan - July 2, 2017 23:10:19

1.jpg (608.0 KB)
2.jpg (606.9 KB)
3.jpg (577.9 KB)
YF_daoGuang_Mesh.hda (9.0 KB)

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Your first issue is because in your baked prefab, the child gameobject that you are trying to use is not a mesh. The field in the Particle System requires an actual mesh object. When an HDA is baked out, the mesh is on the 2nd child (grandchild of parent), which you can only access after instantiating the prefab. This is due to Unity's limitation of displaying only 1 level of child objects in the UI.

The second issue seems to be a bug with how Unity converts vertex colour buffers. I've fixed this just now, and it should be available in the next daily build (probably 16.0.653 tomorrow). In the mean time as a temporary fix, you can just change the shader in the material to something that doesn't vertex colours if you aren't using them.
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Your first issue is because in your baked prefab, the child gameobject that you are trying to use is not a mesh. The field in the Particle System requires an actual mesh object. When an HDA is baked out, the mesh is on the 2nd child (grandchild of parent), which you can only access after instantiating the prefab. This is due to Unity's limitation of displaying only 1 level of child objects in the UI.

The second issue seems to be a bug with how Unity converts vertex colour buffers. I've fixed this just now, and it should be available in the next daily build (probably 16.0.653 tomorrow). In the mean time as a temporary fix, you can just change the shader in the material to something that doesn't vertex colours if you aren't using them.

Thank you for your answer!!
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