Change Houdini default behavior of the Split Sop Node

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Hello Community! Newcomer here.

I'm trying to use multiple splits in cascade to do some simple UV operations to a couple of objects.

My question is this: when using the Split Sop is there a way to make the data flow to output2 if there is nothing selected in the group section?

Currently if there is no group of geometry in the group field it will send all the data to output1.

Thank you!
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That's what the invert selection box is for.
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Thank you RudiNieuwenhuis,
I understand that is an option, I just wanted to now if in a “cascade” of splits I could click in a bit less nodes to get the data flowing along. I'm processing a bunch of files manually and spiting them by topologie thus the need for less clicks.
I guess I can always use the invert selection when the selection is empty…
Edited by Epigraph - Jan. 8, 2020 17:15:08

Split Cascade.JPG (37.3 KB)

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whatabout DIY?

just Allow Editing, dive into the Split, swap the wires around, done in 5 secs.
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Thank you Vusta.

I'm all up for DIY! However, unless I'm missing something, switching the wires inside the split node keeps the same behavior.

To my knowledge the split works this way:
Empty selection = sends the entire model to output 0
My Selection = Goes to output 0
Not my selection = Goes to output 1

What I am asking is how to have the following behavior instead:
Empty selection = sends the entire model to output 1
My Selection = Goes to output 0
Not my selection = Goes to output 1

Is there a way to setup some query inside the split node to check if the selection is empty and send that to output 1?
Edited by Epigraph - Jan. 9, 2020 13:58:25
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where there's a will there's away…

No, this didn't take 5 secs…took me HOURS!!!! bloody hell !!!
Edited by vusta - Jan. 9, 2020 22:58:23

vu_Split_MOD.hiplc (87.3 KB)
Split_MOD.gif (657.9 KB)

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This is a life saver! Increased the speed of what I was doing by quite a lot.
I really appreciate the time you spent on this, hopefully more users will too.

Thank you!
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I bloody hope it was worth my time !!! tho I have a hard time visualising the usage, is there any basic setup that you can upload to illustrate ? don't worry if because of NDA, you can't, if you're happy using it, that's good enough for me.
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