Project Titan Data Tables equivalent for Unity

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Hello, I'm new to Houdini and working through tutorials. The Project Titan stuff is great but I use Unity, not Unreal and was wondering what the equivalent workflow would be for the "Add Support for Data Tables" video number 4 in Unity?
Any pointers in the right direction would be greatly appreciated
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So, I'm happy to say I have figured out most of this. I have this working with CSV (table import node) and FBX files to populate buildings in Houdini but when I try to use a CSV that points to unity prefabs and utilize unity_instance as an attribute, that attribute is wiped clean by the building from patterns node and not only do I not get instances in Unity, but if I try to do generate > rebuild with a session sync to debug, Houdini and Unity lock up.

I rolled back my houdini version to production so Im using:
Unity: 2020.3.28f1
HE: 5.0.0

Since this is now an HE Unity issue, I've posted over there but wanted to update this in case others are interested in this workflow or having similar issues.

I'd appreciate any assistance on this final issue if anyone knows how to fix it Files provided in the HEU thread.
Edited by ChrisHayes - Oct. 9, 2022 18:40:16
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Hi Chris, I am following the tutorial series as well, and using Unity. Thanks for the advice to use the Table Import node, I was getting nowhere otherwise. However, unfortunately, just when I thought I was about to get it working, I am now facing the problem you have mentioned with the _instance attributes. The 'Building From Patterns' node refuses to read any of my unity/unreal_instance(s) when using prefab file paths.

I was just curious if you found a solution for this since your last post? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Hi Chris, I am following the tutorial series as well, and using Unity. Thanks for the advice to use the Table Import node, I was getting nowhere otherwise. However, unfortunately, just when I thought I was about to get it working, I am now facing the problem you have mentioned with the _instance attributes. The 'Building From Patterns' node refuses to read any of my unity/unreal_instance(s) when using prefab file paths.

I was just curious if you found a solution for this since your last post? Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Glad it helped Can't give specifics at the moment but the general direction for the solution is editing the Building from Patterns node. Maybe back it up or make a duplicate to edit but you have to find where it is handling the _instance attributes internally and make sure it is being passed along properly rather than cleared.
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Glad it helped Can't give specifics at the moment but the general direction for the solution is editing the Building from Patterns node. Maybe back it up or make a duplicate to edit but you have to find where it is handling the _instance attributes internally and make sure it is being passed along properly rather than cleared.

Hi Chris, thanks so much for getting back to me. And thanks for the general direction of the solution. I have opened the Building From Patterns node as you have suggested and located several nodes where the unity_instances are lost. One of which is an Attribute Wrangle node, however, I am unsure exactly what needs amended. I know you said you cannot be specific, but if you can shed any more light on this, that would be great.

Thanks again.
Edited by mmcd_23 - April 8, 2023 12:53:27
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